Prepare to share

Enjoy that elevator ride, and always be ready to share the premise and plot of your novel.

What do you say when you’ve mentioned your novel to a friend, and you’re asked, “What’s it about?”

An on-the-spot answer can be difficult. Your novel is about many things. It’s complicated, and even your best friends don’t want to see your contorted expression as you struggle for words to describe it.

You’ll never have to pitch a novel to friends, but having the premise in mind will keep the conversation light and easy. If you also have put together a story pitch, that can be useful when there’s more time, or when asked friendly follow-up questions.

So be ready — whether it’s a friend or a high-powered book agent who wants to know “what’s it about?”. The premise pitch and the story pitch are free. Fill out one or both online forms and Second Eyes Editorial will immediately send you draft text which you can edit, enhance, and use.